Nefertari, also known as Neferneferuaten-Nefertari, was an Egyptian queen and the Great Royal Wife of Ramesses II. She was one of the most prominent women of ancient Egypt and her name means "the beautiful one who comes from Atum". Nefertari is shown on several temple reliefs, including those at Abu Simbel and Karnak. She was also depicted in a number of tomb paintings and inscriptions which you will visit in Egypt tours.
Ramesses II married several wives but Nefertari was his chief consort and the mother of his heir, Merenptah. It is believed that she was also the mother of Prince Amenherkhepshef, although this is not certain. Nefertari had her own tomb (QV66) built in the Valley of the Queens on the west bank of Luxor, you can visit it during Luxor day trips. She was probably buried there, although her mummy has not been found.
Nefertari's Family and Early Life
Nefertari was born into a noble family in ancient Egypt circa 1370 BCE. Her father was the royal scribe Ramose and her mother was Iset, a singer in the temple of Amun or Karnak, you can add it to your Egypt day tours. Nefertari had two brothers and three sisters. She grew up in Thebes, the capital of Egypt at that time.
Nefertari's father died when she was young, and her mother remarried. Nefertari's new stepfather was the high priest of Amun, Imhotep. Thanks to her stepfather's position, Nefertari had access to the best education possible for a girl of her time and station. She learned to read and write hieroglyphs, which was rare for anyone, let alone a woman.
When she was sixteen years old, Nefertari married Ramesses II who built the Abu Simbel temple and a small temple for her. The temple now is an iconic landmark on Aswan day tours. Ramses II would become one of the most powerful pharaohs in Egyptian history. The couple had six children together.
Despite being the queen of Egypt, Nefertari did not live an easy life. In addition to bearing and raising six children, she also had to deal with court intrigue and jealous rivals. Nevertheless, she remained a devoted wife and mother until her death in 1255 BCE.
Nefertari's Marriage to Ramses II
Nefertari's marriage to Ramses II was one of the most important events in ancient Egyptian history. Nefertari was the daughter of a powerful ruler, Seti I, and she became the queen of Egypt when she married Ramses II. You will listen to their achievements and great history from our tour guide in Egypt travel packages.
Ramses II was one of the most powerful pharaohs in Egyptian history. He ruled for over 60 years and conquered many lands. He also built many great temples and monuments that you can visit in Egypt luxury tours. Nefertari helped him rule Egypt and they had many children together.
Their marriage was pleased and they were considered to be the perfect couple. Nefertari even had her own tomb built next to Ramses II's so that they could be together in the afterlife, our tour guide will wander with you to visit their temples in Egypt classic tours.
Nefertari's Tomb
Nefertari's tomb is located in the Valley of the Queens on the west bank of Luxor you must see their beauty on Egypt budget tours and is one of the most beautiful and well-preserved tombs in all of ancient Egypt. Nefertari was the wife of Ramses II, and she was buried in a grandiose tomb befitting her status as queen. The tomb is adorned with wall paintings that depict Nefertari's journey through the afterlife and her rewards in the hereafter.
The tomb of Nefertari is a must-see for anyone interested in ancient Egyptian history or art during the cultural tours in Egypt. It is a truly remarkable example of the skill and artistry of the ancient Egyptians.
Nefertari's Legacy
Nefertari was one of the most famous women of her time. She was the wife of Ramesses the Great, and she was also a queen in her own right. Nefertari was known for her beauty, and she was also known for her wisdom.
After her death, Nefertari's legacy lived on. Her name was commemorated in many ways, including in art and in literature. Nefertari is still remembered as one of the most important women in Egyptian history.
Nefertari was an incredible woman who made a significant impact during her lifetime. She was not only the queen of Egypt, but she was also a powerful pharaoh in her own right. Her story is one of strength and determination, and she is an excellent role model for women everywhere.