GEMSTONES, MAGICAL (also GNOSTIC or ABRAXAS GEMS) Because of their supposed magical quality, gemstone amulets were popular during the Ptolemaic and Roman periods in Egypt (332 b.c.–a.d. 395). Gemstones were good luck charms, worn for protection from evil forces; for good health or healing; or to bring the wearer fame, fortune, or love. Three essential elements had to be apparent for the magic to work. Depending on what was wished for, the gemstone had to be a certain color, the proper magical words had to be inscribed on the gem, and the magical figures, often Egyptian gods, had to be in place. Magical gemstones are best known in the ancient world as Gnostic or Abraxas gems. When the Greeks assigned a number value to the Greek alphabet, the magic became more complex, and the idea evolved into mystical texts.