HEH The god of infinity, Heh originally represented the symbol for “millions,” but over time he represented the signs for “years” and “eternity.” Eventually, Heh became associated with the king and his quest for long life. He is shown as a man kneeling, sometimes in a basket, which is the sign for “all” or “every.” He holds a palm rib, the symbol for “year.” On temple walls, Heh is shown bestowing millions of years upon the deceased, and frequently he appears on Egyptian jewelry representing eternity. One of the treasures in Tutankhamen’s tomb was the lid of a mirror case with the figure of Heh. He holds two scepters, each with a cartouche of Tutankhamen on top and a shen, or sign for eternity, on the bottom. 
He is crowned with a winged scarab, symbolizing existence, and a sun disk. The message is clear: Heh is giving Tutankhamen millions of years. 

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